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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pura Vida! The Lure of Black Sand...

Pololu Trail to a Black Sand Beach in Hawaii

The black sand was the lure. The surprise was finding so much spontaneous natural art! The determined and the strong who made their way from the slippery cliff  descent to sea level expressed themselves with a creativity most likely unparalleled in their daily lives. The fine black sand interspersed with an artistic and amazing display of volcanic rock and driftwood proved irresistible to many. How I wish I could have carried just a little bit back to Adytum as it transcended any display the well paid merchandising departments of the catalog shops ever brought to market....this is my favorite table-scape right here on the beach....and I have carry on....Grrrr.....
This Beach Releases the Inner Artist In Us All

 Altars, stacked stones imbued with tiny holes and dips, figures drawn from driftwood, more stacked stones and volcanic stones marching in file along bleached driftwood… a large stacked stone fire pit, hammocks fashioned out of fishing nets and heavy rope washed ashore long ago…this beach has a Robinson Crusoe feel to it. It invites languorous play to be most assuredly brings out the inner Child. Met that Child lately?
Why Does This Beach Inspires Creativity and Art?....

We tried finding it yesterday and ended up at a Catholic cemetery instead. Don't despair. It was fascinating! I am a self confessed cemetery junkie...One of the head stones from the 1800's  was written by hand in wet concrete.Still, we were heading to the beach for that elusive black sand.... We hiked a mile or two on a deserted, overgrown road replete with orange butterflies, tiny blue butterflies that swarmed around my feet like a silent entourage and thankfully guavas! They looked a bit like lemons and because it was 3 p.m. and my blood sugar was low, I bit in…4 total. Mmmm! Nice! Strength to go forward!
It Felt a Little Threatening Here...

We came to an old Hawaiian sacred space and a sign asking us not to enter.Sorry, Hawaiian deceased. I never met a rule I could  follow.. but still  we respectfully skirted around the edges in case we inadvertently offended SomeOne coming to the cliff overlooking the sea...

'Overlooking' being the key word. Wrong turn way back there before the guavas. Should have gone right following some Hawaiian boys with boogie boards we saw earlier that flashed a knowing look at the honkies... No access  here and no black sand. The dead evidently don't need beach access but revel in great views...

It was ruggedly beautiful in a frightening sort of way- like you better trust the one you venture here with or you might end up on CSI. The sense of dread and foreboding literally haunted this exquisite space. It was palapable....

Rule Breakers At the Off Limits Beach....

Whether it was the sacred burial area of ancient Hawaiians or the sharp drop off the cliff, it was hauntingly beautiful but again,  not peaceful. The constant wind fed a growing agitation and we left after a short while determined to find the elusive black beach another day.

The Pololu Trail is on the northernmost tip of the map before curving gently around this island in the sea. The cars along the road were the dead giveaway we'd found it. Few travelers were willing to venture down and were taking pictures from the safety of the look-out above. 

Live your life while you can. There will come a day when you’ll slide down on your arse before you’ll make the trek with any sense of dignity. This turned out to be challenging. Mentally I was cutting about 90% of the ‘team’ up top as we began the descent. 
What a Welcome....

It was slippery down and tedious and taxing coming back up Think 'work out DVD's... It reminded me a lot of walking across stones in a river, but there was no water. Just constantly picking and gauging the next steps. Dexterity. Agility. Great ass in the making...

Get too close to the edge and yes, you really could meet your Maker. All those signs were for a reason. My Keens worked out pretty well. I can't imagine making it in anything less.

Whatever washes up on the shore is fair game for play...again creativity abounds here. The black sand beach is a vortex for pulling creativity out of those that venture down...
You're Never Too Young!

There are no facilities so don’t overdo on the MaiTais or iced tea before heading down or you will be achingly miserable.

The ocean is rough and the undercurrent signage in full view. So what is the lure? It’s just a great, quintessential hike. It’s challenging, engaging, interesting and ends in yet another feeling….different from the one evoked by the ancient Hawaiian burial ground. it is Pure Unadulterated Beauty.  We had seen a few signs that said ‘Pure Life’ (Pura Vida)  Yes, that capsulizes the feeling this beach of fine black sand evokes. Nature in all her pure fineness. Rugged and pristine. Visually stimulating and even artsy. There is a heartbeat here…the pounding waves in their rhythmic cycle pounding out life - our life - on the black shores of this beach for centuries with a metronomic sense of duty.

The Long Rocky Road Down...To Pure Life

Off on the horizon, we see a whale blow and breach. Donn is a child again asking questions of me I have no answers for…”Why do whales breach?  Do you know?". “No, but I’m glad they do…” It breaks the sparkling beautiful monotony of the ocean. 

Plus it makes me wonder what else is going on down there…it reminds me of a parallel universe, another dimension that is inhabited that remains largely outside our consciousness. It is indeed, suggestive of more, isn’t it?

On the way, we pass a man heading down with a lot of baggage. He will stay there alone tonight lulled to sleep by the incessant wind through the pines and the roar of the incoming tide. He’s brave…he looks simple enough but deep inside I know he quests, or he’s a rugged individualist that doesn't let society confine or define him. I admire him, but were he in the supermarket I’d just pass him by unaware.

How can we see more deeply into people in the middle of our busy days? He is the one who should be writing this blog and I’m sure he would have much, much more to say. His finger is on the pulse of the Universe and I am simply an observer...

We are so hungry when we get back to the Jeep that we stop and have a pizza in Kohala- surprisingly cheap and surprisingly good but yes, the dreaded gluten crust that will make us tired and bloated later…In a perfect World all pizzas are GF, we think….

We sit outside next to 4 Hawaiian girls about 12 or 13 years old… long black hair cascading down each back like a shimmering black waterfall…We wait a long time for this pizza and so we overhear their lives, their memories of being in class together in second grade. We hear them talk about ‘white people’ and realize suddenly there is color. We’ve been in Nature where all is One…We are back up on top now where there is separation… We watch them flirt with the cute Hawaiian boys eating an after school snack here and who are old enough to drive off in a car. They dream of them at night... We wonder what it is like to be Hawaiian and to live on this lovely island earth in the confines of a very small Universe here.
The Long and Winding Road Paradise

Nature is the One that unites us all. Down below, on the black sand beach we are absorbed by the passion and energy of the Sea. The whales breaching and blowing engage every single One of Us. The lonely beach calls out to the inner artist in each and many succumb to the pleasurable temptation of playing like a child with the materials Nature has so freely provided in extravagant abundance as she is so prone to do.

A few brave souls venture into the wild waves, sure of their ability to swim against the strong under tow and emerge braced against the eternal agitating wind and chill in the supposedly tropical air. Here, on this black sand beach there are Two – but those two are One. There is Nature. There are Humans. There is no male. No female. No white. No Hawaiian. No separation. This is It. Get It. 
Life is short. Get out there. Pura Vida!
Stairway to Heaven....

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Successful Travel

81 Degrees on the Big Island

In order for the great effort it takes to get away from the routines of life, the travel has to reward us by meeting deep needs and desires. Thinking of elements of successful travel, I came up with my list. Yours will be different, just like the Alaskan oil field man’s list was that I sat next to on the flight to Hawaii. He wants zip line adventures and exploring black sand beaches while he’s here with his wife. Because I came rather worn thin and tired, I want reconnection and restoration from this island escape. I don’t want to ‘go’, I want to ‘be’.  No matter our different reasons to get away, there are some foundational needs we all share in common.
Going For a Swim

Up at 3 a.m., a two hour drive to PDX, we arrived 6 hours later having endured coach and the humiliating “pat down” in (non) security because we refuse to expose our educated selves to radiation in dangerous and barbaric total body scanners. I had only an hour’s sleep before the ‘adventure’ began. Starting a vacation when we’re already tired, not to mention the fatigue and demands that led up to the trip set us up for some strong foundational needs once we finally got off the plane, the shuttle to the rental car and to our destination.
The Little Castle Adytum Welcomes You

I see this in so many that have arrived on Adytum’s doorstep fresh off the freeway from Portland, Seattle or Olympia, travel weary on top of having just ended a long, hard work-week. The transformation in your faces is remarkable when you hug good-bye on Sunday. Adytum is not only made for reconnecting with all that really matters in life. It is made to restore the deep places in our heart, in our spirit and give rest to our mind. The birdsong, the water-music and the loving energy from nature and all the animals of Adytum, the eclectic décor with a lot of visual stimulation and beauty all combine to work their enchantment; the change in visible!

We are staying in a timeshare exchange- a Hilton Grand Vacation Suite here on the big island that rents from $450-$600 a night. With the incredible luxury here and attention to detail, with their expensive marketing geniuses at the helm and their way of answering the phone, “I can help you…” it’s simply beyond my ability to comprehend where the disconnect between the reality of today’s traveler’s needs and what Hilton will do to create a sense of immediate welcome and comfort occurred. This is perhaps the biggest difference between a Retreat like Adytum and a sterile vacation home or hotel room, no matter how luxurious.
Having a Ridiculously Expensive Egg at the Hilton; The View Was Nice...But Lake Mayfield is Too...

Finally upon arriving, rather dehydrated after over a day’s worth of travel, where is the water besides the polluted tap water? Is it really going to hurt the bottom line to provide a bottle or two, gratis Hilton? But really, where is the wine, sparking cider or champagne to set the mood for a relaxing celebration that we’ve finally made it and we’re on ‘vacation’? Like many of you, I want some instant gratification- I’m hungry…No fruit-bowl or dish of nuts…nothing. Certainly no flowers on the table that you enjoy at Adytum from our own gardens or walking in to music softly embracing you as you enter this sacred space… Instead we are greeted by an empty beautiful shell perfectly decorated by expensive design firms. We just got here and now we have to turn around and go right back out to get our needs met…Hmmmm…..It’s not working for me….not at all.
Adytum Has Wine & Tea Bars In Every Suite

The little gestures that show the needs of the traveler begin the moment they cross the threshold become points of contention when not accounted for in the least. It is the height of ‘unwelcome’ in my experience. It is not true hospitality but a marketing plan. If there was a complimentary breakfast- and there isn’t- it wouldn’t make up for these gross oversights.
Kat Enjoys Black & White Beach

Later, starving, when I finally did get to breakfast the next morning the $31 that I paid for a two egg vegetarian omelet, a tiny cup of fruit and a pot of coffee and minuscule glass of juice was washed down with a healthy dose of resentment. I headed for the welcoming embrace of a salty swim in chilly Hawaiian waters to recover from my sticker shock and stopped off for the rest of the weeks’ groceries on the way back to the villa.

The little oversights continued to emerge for me and my 50+ eyes when I was hoping for a magnifying mirror to apply my eye make-up. Even some brighter lighting would have been appreciated...
Luxury Robes, Luxury Linens a Matter of Course 

Where are the robes when I emerge from the shower and I’m cold? Later…no Kleenex by the bed. Everything seems designed to be slightly irritating when we have accustomed ourselves to having all these concerns carefully managed in advance. I could go on….
Adytum's Suites All Have Magnifying Mirrors and Excellent Lighting

Successful travel must offer reconnection with yourself and if you’re traveling with a significant other- it must reconnect you with your lover. That might mean experiencing the island, or whatever locality you’re in. It may be as simple as watching a movie or sunset together. We let the guests shape Adytum so that it belongs to all of us for our pleasure. Many of you have created the very changes you enjoy when you return! Thank you so much!!
Ryan and Jessica....Connecting

Some of you read of the recent transformation in Star of the North into an even more romantic lover’s nest/writer’s retreat. Jennifer needed more and we listened by adding a chandelier and antique trunk that serves as a coffee table. We created yet another writing nook to unleash her creativity in. Robert wanted to watch movies from the internet streaming TV in Star of the North so a Roku player ( that plays our collection of Mp4 videos was added to that suite. Every single suggestion is taken to heart and every guest coming in their wake benefits with a richer, more soulful experience.

We inquire what might have made the experience at Adytum better…was anything missing? I have learned to think from the perspective that everything needed should be at hand. Everything in the suite should be functional as well as beautiful. What we hear most is, “I was needing/thinking of X, Y or Z, and ha! There it was like you already thought of it….” Yes, we have. It is our gift to you because we care deeply for each of you that are drawn to Adytum. Not everyone likes puffy pillows. So there are neck pillows to choose from too. If we haven’t thought of it yet, we will! Or you tell us please!!
Pinot Noir Vineyard for Adytum's Private Label

We have big plans for the future. A few cottages. Two lodges.  An infinity pool and another salt water hot tub. Adding on to the back to create another private entrance, patio, shower and kitchen in Star of the North. A wine tasting room and wine cellar to process Adytum’s own pinot noir label. A miniature gothic wedding chapel on the pointe. Seats to enjoy the rushing stream by or overlook the Lake and valley below. A labyrinth modeled perfected after the one at Chartres…bikes lined up outside the Suites for your use. We have the greatest desire to spoil you rotten…Adytum will continue to develop as a resort over the 16 acres of tree plantation. These dreams came from co-creating with God. They came from thin air with minimal funds. Ultimately they come from your desires. Nothing is impossible if we all want it. Let’s all create this together….

Reconnect With All That Really Matters In Adytum

The success of Adytum springs from deep respect and a true caring love of others. Every need of the traveler, the lover, the adventurer is taken into consideration. If it’s within our power to provide all that creates immediate comfort, beauty and true functionality we have done it or it’s added to the growing list of improvements. Adytum is now the only 5-star luxury retreat in our locality.

After experiencing this lovely 5 star Grand Vacation Hilton on the big island of Hawaii, I am really convinced Adytum is a 6 star on her way to a 10.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Mt. Rainier and White Pass' Winter Wonderlands

The Snowplay area at Paradise is expected to re-open next weekend, January 14th.  No other areas in the park are open to sliding activities.

Skiing and Snowboarding
Two of Washington's best places to ski are in the Mt. Rainier region. Crystal Mountain Resort and White Pass Ski area are great options for skiers & riders of all abilities.  Snowboarding is permitted in areas in the Mt. Rainier National Park outside of the snowplay area.
Snowshoe and Cross Country Skiing
TheWhite Pass Nordic Center offers 18K of groomed double-tracked trails. The terrain offers classic cross-country, skating and snowshoeing for individuals of all ability levels. The Nordic Center is open Thursday - Sunday and holidays from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m.

The Mount Tahoma Trails Association operates and manages the largest no fee Hut-to-Hut Trail System in North America for cross country skiing and snowshoeing. Approximately 50 miles of trails, 20 miles of which are groomed, provide safe and easy access to 3 ski huts and a yurt.

Paradise Ranger-Led Snowshoe walks - Learn the art of snowshoeing and discover the ecology of the area. Guided walks are offered daily until Jan 1st.  From January 7th - March 25th the walks will be conducted on weekends and holidays. Get the details here.
Snowshoeing and cross country skiing are permitted in areas in Mt. Rainier National Park outside of the snowplay area at Paradise. Equipment rentals are available for rent at the Longmire General Store.

Find out where snowmobiling is allowed inside the park.
Areas outside of the National Park in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Naches Ranger District or Mt. Baker Snoqualmie National Forest are also great places for snowmobiling.  Information about SnoPark options can be found on

Winter Camping
Camping on the snow is allowed almost everywhere in the park once the snow depth is over 5 feet at Paradise and 2 feet elsewhere in the park. Backcountry permits are required and parking is restricted to designated areas.

With the arrival of snow, Mount Rainier's beauty changes and so do its challenges. Visitors planning to travel to the park in winter should familiarize themselves with winter travel tips, road status, and be prepared for potential winter hazards. For any questions on winter activities and snow conditions in the park, contact the Longmire Museum at 360-569-6575.

      Important Winter Reminders
1) Carry Chains - Remember to check our Road Conditions page before you leave home.  It is state law that you must carry chains when traveling on mountain roads. Mt. Rainier National Park personnel are enforcing this long-time law. You must carry chains or risk the chance of being turned away at the gate.
2) Twitter informs everyone when is the uphill gate to the Paradise opens.  Check your Twitter updates. The park service will post daily updates on when they expect the gate to open and exactly when the gate is open. Please be advised that for our benefit, our National Park personnel do error on the side of caution and if there is any danger or anticipated road issues, they will monitor and announce the opening only when they are certain of safe driving conditions.
3) WebCams help everyone prepare for winter conditions. There are a variety of cams directed at your favorite destination. You can also get forecasts and weather planning information, all on our popularweather page.
Turkish Steam Sauna, Quite Possibly The Fav Seat in the House...

The perfect end to a perfect day is obviously back at Adytum Sanctuary, easing sore muscles and strains in the Salt Water Hot Tub with a glass of champagne...and making your way to the Turkish Steam Sauna when you're done...then back to the Salt Water Hot Tub for some time under the Milky Way...You get the idea!
Noelle and Bradford Taking A Break From Seattle....

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Star of the North's Transformation into a Love Nest

Star of the North Love Nest

Writer's Nook: View From the Bed

When a returning guest Jennifer S., working on a play at Adytum, suggested we add a coffee table and reading lamp near the couch in the Star Suite,  it began a transformation of the Star of the North Suite into a Love Nest.
Antique Trunk Turned Coffee Table and Light Makes for Nice Reading & Writing

The bird theme increased, an antique trunk was brought into serve as coffee table and the City of Love and Light: Paris, France, became the love interest alongside love letters by Kahlil Gibran and others...

Since birds imply gardens, many things from the Adytum gardens were also brought in to create a romantic, garden love nest to set your dreams into flight.
The Measure of Love is Love Without Measure

I've always said that every guest leaves something of themselves behind at Adytum. This time, by honestly answering my query, "Did you have any suggestions to make the Star of the North Suite better for your next visit?"

Jennifer has helped to begin new uses for the suite. She plans to return, driving in from Seattle, quarterly and has decided to ask other writers and poets to join her here. "It really works for me..."  and now, thanks to Jennifer, it will really work for others who want to shut themselves in and emerge with a new creation.