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Monday, March 19, 2012

Gabriel’s Sad Gift: Losing an Eye to Give the Gift of Sight to Others Potentially

Furry Hosts....

So many of you who have come to Adytum Sanctuary have enjoyed the dogs and cats and in your reviews on Yelp, Trip Advisor and Bed and have let us know that they added to your adventure at Adytum. We think of ourselves as hosts here to welcome you, and they carry the exact same energy and intention in their own, sweet ways.
Gizmo's Fort in the Digital Baby Grand Piano...Watching the Rain, Wanting to Play...

Everyone asks about the stories of how each one of the ‘pack’ came to be here. Many of you know Gabe’s story of being a rescue dog that came up the hill negotiating thorny Himalayan blackberry vines and enduring stickers in his paws to escape his private hell in the concentration camp which was his daily life for God knows how long. The day Gabriel appeared on the porch, our house staff at the time said, “Kat, there is a mangy dog wetting all over the front porch. What do I do?” I peeked out. The ugliest dog I have ever seen in my life was shaking in temperatures that were projected to drop to 8 degrees that February night. He did have mange and was emaciated. And yes, he marked the front porch of Adytum as his new home….I just didn’t know it yet.

Ancient Kitty Boy Covers Alyssa's Chest With His Substantial Girth..Dash Below

This pitiful animal was digging at his ear groaning, his head nearly touching the icy ground in his effort to show me he needed help. Because night was approaching, we had to make that hard decision. Did we want another dog? No. We had an elderly 12 ½ year old Borzoi, Sasha that was my ‘soul-mate’ of the animal World. Once before I had an Arabian horse aptly called Kismet, Turkish for “fate”- I called him AJ usually and he too filled that rare slot that doesn’t come around in life too often: ‘soul-mate’ of the animal World. I had no desire to replace Sasha and we were actually in that horrible limbo of “do we put her down or not? There’s still so much life in her but….” We could see she suffered. Selfishly, we hung on as long as we could but pain began to fill her large eyes that were always full of pure love that literally arced out us before. It was getting quite clear, a decision needed to be made.
Sasha and Kat in Autumn Before Her Passing

Sasha had been attacked by a huge bear on the back of Adytum lands – a bear that has since sadly been shot by hunters. His big paw scraped claw lines down her bony spine damaging her hip. She was never the same since. The morning’s walk through our tree plantation revealed the hard decision that would come later the afternoon of the next day. But for today, we had a mangy, emaciated dog asking desperately for help. I had heard a massive amount of shooting earlier and guess that someone was driving him purposefully away because they didn’t want to pay to repair all the damage their neglect had done to him.

Nameless, yet, Gabriel was asked to enter the garage where we’d made a bed for him. It was clear he wasn’t going to do it. He apparently had been confined in a dark place for long time periods because it took months and months before he would consent to look me in the eye and to enter ‘inside’. I went to town immediately with nightfall approaching and bought an Igloo and filled it with warm blankets on the covered part of the porch. We fed him and started working on his ear- the worst infection I have ever seen actually protruding out of his ear like a giant black cauliflower. 

The next day he was gone before I could try to coax him into the truck to visit the vet. The vet ended up coming to us…the next day, my beloved soul of my heart, Sasha was gone too and I cried so desperately, so hopelessly with my poor vet looking on like I might need sedation too…It was – well you know beyond humiliating, but who cares. You’ve done it too.
Look at the Love Beaming Out of Sasha's Eyes- It Intensified The Older She Grew

The space left by Sasha was pure emptiness where her bed and constant loving glances had filled so many years. I had a day to mourn, three days wearing sunglasses to the optometry office because my eyes were nearly swollen shut. Then guess who returned the day after her death? Our ugly friend with his paws full of thorns again. He spent hours patiently licking them to get them free. Later we learned that he would go up and down the hill and take food and bones to the rest of his pack. He would even go lay with them on cold nights, leaving the comforts we provided, because his loyalty ran deeper than that of most humans and he put everyone ahead of himself..still does.

He healed my heart in time when he began to share his loving eyes with me, so rich with gratitude and relief to have been accepted and actually loved. We healed his ear and turned him back into the beautiful creature he always knew he was... The transformation was miraculous. I wish I had taken pictures to show you…you would hardly believe it. The nameless, collarless dog became Gabriel because he is the angel that gave me his healing love when my heart was breaking…breaking. We gave him safety, protection and a new life full of all the love he deserves.

It really impressed me too that he created this new life for himself. Even an animal has the power to choose a better life. Think about that. Live in the valley below with beatings, confinements, starvation, humiliation or…move through thorns and obstacles and head straight up the hill to reach a better Way. My admiration for Gabriel equaled my gratitude that this angel appeared when I most needed healing.

I had heard a story to prepare me to accept him even though he did NOT fit the model we wanted to represent Adytum.  Graceful Borzoi, yes. Mangy flea ridden starving mixed breed mut? No. Not really…Love comes in so many different packages and I am ashamed at that shallow thinking when Adytum was beginning to open and be presented online to the World…

At the optometry office late one afternoon when I don’t have time for stories…an old woman said, “My friend had a German Shepherd appear on her doorstep the day after her husband died. She scared him away even though he came back again and again. When I asked her why, she said she didn’t have enough money to pay for dog food. That week she was robbed and lost much of her possessions. If she had accepted the dog, which seemed to be an angel in disguise, it probably never would have happened.” The story most definitely came to mind and regardless of whether Gabriel fit the image we wished to portray at Adytum, we welcomed him with open arms and gave him his new name. We left the collar off, however, as we were on to his mission. He made it appear he was still in residence as part of the pack. He came and went at regular hours. He always came back…

The vet, the same one here to put Sasha down, treated his ear over and over actually. He had some other name and she knew this dog. She suggested we turn the family in because they had 7 dogs all chained and used as guard dogs. Once, they had spayed him and loved him. I don’t know what happened. Perhaps they beat them to make the pack mean and starved them to keep them alert. People in the country sometimes have different ways. From my neck of the woods, it is called abuse. The only reason we didn’t turn them in was because Gabriel continued to care for his pack with his trademark intense loyalty.

We often bought home raw bones from Morton Meat Company. Most of you know it as having the best beef jerky around…Entering this shop is a sacrifice for me, being vegetarian, and having to smell the butcher shop but it’s a sacrifice I gladly make for our dogs. Any gift we gave Gabe went right down the hill. He shared his treats, rawhide bones, raw bones and his body heat on frigid nights. Finally the family was evicted or some such event because Gabriel finally accepted a collar and became ours when they left, leaving only the paper notice nailed to the front door.
Beautiful Gabriel in the Snow

It is with great sadness I have to share with each of you who have called Gabriel a real angel…felt his love and protection…those single women at Adytum who found a loving guard stationed outside their door or at the foot of their bed if they allowed him in…Gabriel has suffered a great loss this week. Strangely enough, being placed in an eye doctor’s home, Gabriel has lost his eye to glaucoma. Knowing Gabriel, he will view it as a gift because this incomprehensible loss is provoking a call to demand a pressure check at the routine vet visits we all attend. It isn’t the fault of the vet. The standard is not set for dogs as it for humans to have our pressure checked each year at our eye exam. Glaucoma progresses silently with no symptoms. It is blinding. Donn’s year in Africa yielded many such human cases who became blind with little warning or symptoms. It is VITAL to get an annual eye exam and submit to the pressure check none of us enjoy. I believe it is VITAL to insist our pets have the same privilege.

Gabriel never gave any indication anything was wrong. His persistent ear infections, probably made worse by the beatings he endured causing structural damage…who knows, they gave way to what appeared to be an eye infection. Donn feels the rare appearance of glaucoma may have been due to structural damage in the eye as well from abuse. We treated for 1 ½ weeks for allergy eyes and finally went to the vet where she diagnosed glaucoma. Watering eyes that mimic allergy are not a part of glaucoma symptoms but dull, throbbing pain is and it was clear Gabe didn’t feel good.  We had no way of knowing and he had no way to tell us but to shiver inside, to lay low, to leave his continually happily thumping tail on the ground instead of waving it at everyone…We were convinced he had a tough eye infection and began to use stronger cortico-steroid drops, but nothing resolved it as it would have in humans…
No More Working Eye....

One day his eye turned blue…The vet referred to an ophthalmologist and Donn took both dogs to her a few days later. She confirmed that Gabriel’s precious watchful, loving eye had been lost and suggested removing it, sewing up the lid and treating the other preventatively for glaucoma. Glaucoma is rare in this breed. She said it was the fault of no one…there was absolutely no way to know.
Look At Dash's Smile on His First Real Hike

We took Dash, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, to the same doctor because that breed is known to have blindness issues. Amazingly no pressure check was done- even though we were seeing a specialist. So really, with all due respect with the tremendous training and knowledge these professionals have, as well as tremendous graciousness toward we humans while they are lovingly putting our old pets down- there really WAS a way to know before the eye was lost and that is by a routine pressure check just like we do at our annual eye  exam.
Our Morton Office- Donn's Optometry and my Nutritional Therapy Practice

Again, I cannot place blame on a discipline that has yet to recognize the need to prevent glaucoma by annual pressure checks. There are those skilled in fighting for animal rights and I ask you, beg you, to get the word out that the standard needs to be changed. Gabriel lost an eye needlessly. I am sickened by it as are others that have come to learn of his private, needless tragedy.

In this day and age with all our prevention, all those vaccinations for dogs and heart worm medicine and on and on…why in the world did no one factor in the extreme value of sight and make a test mandatory for it?

We have an option for surgery which is obviously very expensive and there is a 15% chance that the pressure in the dead eye will not go down and it will have to come out anyway. At a friend’s insistence and horror at Gabriel losing his eye, I emailed Bill Sardi who is a famous researcher on the eye and is the man responsible for our human clinical trial at Medical Vision Center ( on red wine extract – the Longevinex brand in particular ( for the treatment of blinding macular degeneration both wet and dry forms. I asked Bill if he had options.
Bill Sardi Lecturing at the Roxy on Longevinex for Macular Degeneration

We use Hyaluronic Acid in our dispensary for those glaucoma patients who opt out of the standard medical treatment and want to try a natural product. Glaucoma drops are about $80 a month. HA is $78 – the good brands that are pharmaceutical grade. HA also helps joints and makes our skin like baby’s skin…nice and plump diminishing wrinkles and fine lines. HA makes up the eyeball and provides structure for it. So many are deficient in HA in their eyes. We have actually had a measure of success with those few patients lowering their pressure and maintaining normal pressure by using HA.  So that’s exactly what Bill suggested and we are now using oral HA and topical glaucoma drops twice daily to see if we can alleviate his pain by lowering pressure in the dead eye staving off surgery and saving the eye, albeit a dead eye.
Kat and Gabe Near Adytum Sanctuary

Gabriel is always thinking of others. When you’re here, he’s thinking of you and watching out for you. He will show you the trails, sleep outside your door to protect you from dangers that never come…if you’re a furry friend he will share his food and his treats with you…even his precious body heat on cold nights. This time Gabriel has given a very priceless gift: he is asking that awareness be raised that animals need preventive care that includes pressure checks to prevent or detect glaucoma. He can’t speak but for those who have been in his care, he trusts you will speak for him and his friends, and I trust you will too. When you take your animals to the vet, pay whatever they need to receive to perform the simple touching of the Tono-pen to the cornea to register pressure in the eye. Suggest, please that they include this as a part of their annual exam. Nothing is wasted now, is it? Meantime, we will do our best to save the eye instead of the unthinkable option…Meantime, will you please consider sharing some or all of this post with your vet, with your contact list? And pray for him too, will you?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy Breakfast Guests, Housemade Grand Marnier Vanilla Extract and the MeDi....

Eye Doc Turned Prep-Chef

Sometimes we find ourselves with a dietary mixed table ~ a couple who are trying the Vegan lifestyle for a month and a couple who aren’t. Donn and I get into the kitchen at 8 a.m. for 10 o’clock breakfast service hoping to make everybody happy at breakfast. 

Donn has discovered his inner chef and has progressed from being a prep chef to dressing the oven roasted potatoes, seasoning them perfectly, himself. He has brought the majority of the new gadgets lately and loves his de Buyer mandolin that creates the thinly sliced onions to top this morning’s paleo pizza - recipe to follow for both vegan and regular variations.

His prep-chef routine doesn’t work for part of the week when he leaves for our Olympia Optometry office- Martin Way Vision Center, but for most of his local eye doctor week at Medical Vision Center ( in Morton, he starts the day in the kitchen with me and ends it at the clinic. While guests often sleep on, we’re creating fantastic memories playing in the kitchen together…

We all wear lots of hats these days! I was appointed Associate Editor of the National Health Federation’s ( magazine, Health Freedom News, so I will often be writing for NHF or lining up authors while the pizza crust is on its first bake. Check out my article on Dry Eye in the Spring issue of HFN and learn to solve it naturally, once and for all. Magazines are free with your membership of $36 for the year and some of you will also wish to publish in this international, sophisticated magazine.  Call me if you have an article to share...

This morning, we make one gluten free Vegan paleo pizza crust using ground flax seeds mixed with water as the egg substitute and one crust with eggs. Each will receive the topping suited best for the desires of the guests, and we end up making everyone happy. We start with the Sweet Breakfast Quinoa that I shared with you before- only now, since we went to the Hawaiian Vanilla Company on the big island bringing home beans with us and I learned to make our own Vanilla Extract- this time we finish the quinoa with a healthy splash – okay, splashes…of Grand Marnier Vanilla. Yes! This is the ‘elevator’ that takes it to the next level. Everyone loves it!

 We have a large bottle ‘brewing’ of Vanilla Rum and Vanilla Vodka and also the Queen of all Vanillas: Grand Marnier. They each add their own special signature to the dishes we prepare. Do you know the Vanilla Orchid only blooms once a year? It is hand pollinated on that singular day and is one of the most expensive spices in the World…Fascinating!

You can keep a bottle of vanilla extract going for years. Just keep adding the same liquor. Back in the Prohibition Era, because people started drinking Vanilla Extract as liquor, they diluted it with water by 40%

The Owner's Son Teaching Us The Art of Vanilla Bean Production...Another Plan for Adytum
. So if you want the real thing…get some beans, open and scape the seeds down into the liquor of your choosing and drop the beans in- three to a large bottle. Six months later you have The Real Deal! And seriously, what a difference. You can buy directly if you’re ready to try your own and you will not regret it:

Today, with half Vegan guests, the traditional ‘Egg on the Half-shell’ is transformed into a base of roasted Portobello mushroom with slivers of garlic, garlic powder, sea salt, olive oil and Italian Seasoning. Each option is topped with the same sauté of mushrooms, red bell pepper and garlic highly seasoned. We only use sea salt at Adytum…one is topped with Vegan Cheese and the other with Asiago. Again, all guests are happy. You can sauté all this off with Pesto too, but it has a bit of Parmesan in it.

Sweet Breakfast Quinoa in the Making in My French Apron!

I’ve done all the diets…raw, vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian 
which includes fish in a vegetarian diet, traditional SAD (Standard American Diet)….In my perfect, idealistic World no one has to pass up a dish at the table because, “I can’t eat that…” and in my ultimate perfect World, we can actually eat out at restaurants and have amazing meals anywhere, anytime because GF and vegetarian are mainstream. My chef son, Phillip advised me that to order vegetarian at the average restaurant was to get options that have, shall we say, been around in the freezer for awhile? 

Beautiful  Dinner for Donn and Me: Kale, Chestnuts, Cranberries, Raw Cashews and Cardamom

That isn’t appealing…why can’t they realize there isn’t “one size fits dietary ALL” out there?? Get real, this is 2012 not 1960. I remember when basil hit mainstream and I thought, “Where have you been all my life, baby??” We know how to make sure everyone leaves not only full, but nurtured, nourished and pleasantly surprised at how good ‘healthy, (modified to GF) Mediterranean based foods can be!”

 The Hale Project is something I have discussed frequently- Google it if you haven’t heard it yet or check out this link:    . The study took people aged 70-90 years of age with active diseases in progress. After ten years’ adherence on the MeDi, with no smoking and moderate red wine/moderate exercise there was an amazing 50% reduction in ALL causes of death and disease. This isn’t a vegetarian or dairy free diet, but realize that lamb and sheep/goat cheese and fish are different (i.e. healthier…) from our choices in America. The molecular size of the milk from sheep and goats is different from cattle,  and European standards are often so much higher and the food cleaner…You never heard this on this diet promoted as being both healing and preventive for major diseases on the nightly news, did you? If Big Pharma produced a drug that promised these same results, you would have heard about that though. We need to invest in our own health. No one is going to do it for us.

Health begins in the kitchen - really in your bowels with good bacteria...and in the mind and our will- our freedom to choose living, health promoting foods. We’re currently immersing in fermented foods to restore the proper terrain/terroire of the gut and I’ll share in future blogs our smelly kitchen concoctions…or you can share with us as so many of you already know how to make many fermented things we are just exploring. “Wild Fermentation” is now downloaded on our Kindle…Donn is also playing with the dehydrator again- this time making Kale Chips with a Cashew Cream Chili Sauce that is fantastic! Friends popped by this afternoon and finished them off not realizing they were full of active enzymes and full of health.  They are better than any chips we’ve had. Olympia Vegan shared that link on You Tube and this is how we all grow in health…By caring with love for the health of every one of us…iron sharpens iron!
Donn's Dehydrator Kale Chips With a Cashew Creme and Chili Finish- Excellent!

It’s amazing how many people really love the paleo pizza crust. With Cross-Fit pushing paleo in the form of meat (read the latest studies on red meat…Hmmm. Someone is after looks before health there… the main cause probably being iron overload) it’s nice to find this morning’s table devoted to Paleo with the protein in the crust and in the quinoa- a complete protein there much the same as eggs or meat. We love introducing people to things they haven’t tried yet- or tried in that form. We all help each other and so many of our guests are introducing us to recipes that we turn out loving. Adytum is a magnet for this healthy exchange. 

Despite some early predictions that we would fail unless we offered “a complete English breakfast” (Google that one…) we are holding our own as a vegetarian, gluten free kitchen. Even dedicated meat eaters don’t miss it because the food is savory, prolific and satisfying. We are open to growth and change and would love to hear YOUR favorite recipes. One guest left me with a Pumpkin Paleo Muffin that actually did come from the Cross-Fit people that I’ll try tomorrow with guests here. We appreciate these ‘gifts’ so much, so please do share!! We need you and we appreciate each and every one of you so very, very much…We are a growing community of like-minded individuals here growing in grace and health every day of our lives. Blessings to you all.

Paleo Pizza Crust - From a Telluride Chef - a Friend of a Friend...

2 cups almond meal
2 eggs - or 2 T ground flax seeds mixed with 6 T water and let it sit a few minutes
3 T olive oil
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 tsp garlic powder
1 1/2 T freshly chopped rosemary (optional)

Preheat oven to 350. Using a spoon mix all crust ingredients together until it becomes very thick. Using your hands, form the dough into a ball. Press it onto a lightly greased pizza pan all the way to the edges making it as thin as possible,  and remember to make the hole in the center that Mike taught us was essential to allow the steam to escape. We bake on a pizza stone for 20 minutes, then remove and put the toppings on and put it back in for 20 minutes watching for burning around the crust edges. We brush olive oil on to make the edges more crispy before baking the first time but it is not necessary. Everyone loves this...use oil on your hands if you're having trouble pressing it out. Without the seasonings it could be used as a tart base for may want to add a little sea salt to the dough recipe before baking too.