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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Raw Brownie Recipe, Courtesy of Woody Harrelson

Adytum's Favorite Playground...Opposite is TepanYaki Grill and More Counter/Bar

Donn's been playing with raw food creations again. Every time he encounters an unsolvable health problem, out come the raw un-cookbooks and the Excalibur Dehydrator and walla! Health returns to normal....This time it was a nasty psoriasis event with no resolution in sight. In the past, a PSA so high Dr. Wright was talking cancer...Both times 100% raw, GF, organic was the healer. No drugs, no medical bills...
Cashew Dip...Picnic on the Silver Falls Hike

We've settled in at 85% raw and are relying more and more on Synergy's brands of green drinks, Maca and Protein powders from hemp, etc. The elevation of the spirit is the first thing we notice. When we consume light energy, our light energy increases. When we eat dead, processed food (Costco....) we decline in our spirit and our health follows. We're in love with the Olympia co-op and the beautiful greens literally arc out, like fine art, wanting to be explored.

Garden Boxes Full of Organic Greens, Phillip Gritton's Creation

 Phillip, my chef son turned finish carpenter, has been making us cedar garden boxes, tall and short, hooped and open. We have a good start on the late spring and summer greens that make up so much of our diet. Pound per pound greens have more protein than beef and they are more bio-available. In other words, grams of protein mean little if you can't digest it and when I test nutritional therapy clients for zinc sufficiency, no one yet has come up sufficient. Zinc is needed to make can you make digestion acids without materials? So along with doing the 4R program to restore the gut, think about how well you're breaking down what you eat and make the necessary adjustments -
Woody's Raw Brownies...Mmmmm!!!!

Meantime, eat chocolate! Good raw cacao...not Hershey's. It raises the Dopamine levels in the brain which in turn stimulates the thyroid. This is the weight loss connection. Daily chocolate...our favorite is out of Portland- raw, handcrafted and imaginative! The recipe below is Woody Harrelson's Raw Adult Brownie recipe complete with an infusion of pot...Donn sub'd ginseng for our batch that we took on a hike to Silver Falls- the most unbeatable hike in the World, past hot springs and following waterfalls, bear and elk all the way. Enjoy!
Silver Falls, Stevens Entrance to Mt. Rainier National Park- saw not one person on this hike....

Woody Harrelson’s Adult Brownies
Infused with a subtle, earthy flavor, these transcendent brownies will have you mumbling indecent proposals and coming back for more. And more. And more.
Serves 4 to 8, depending on time of day
What You Need:
3/4 cup cacao powder (or substitute 3/4 cup bazooka, for not-fully raw version)
3 tablespoons ground chia seeds
1/2 cup hemp oil, infused with "Haymitch’s Herb" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)
1 cup quinoa flour
Goji berries, as many as you like
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
What You Do:
  1. Remove shirt. Let the air infuse your skin with wellness.
  2. Find a bowl. Light it up. Inhale—don’t go all fellow vegan Clinton on us now—exhale, enjoy!
  3. Find a mixing bowl. Put all brownie ingredients in there, and swirl them around. Isn’t it weird that when you mix them together, you can’t just swirl the other way and un-mix them?*
  4. Swirls are really pretty. Girls are really pretty. Oh yeah, have to fix that broken yoga swing.
  5. Sample dough; make sure it’s good enough to make white men jump. Add more herb.
  6. Get an earthen plate—preferably one you’ve formed with your own hands—and put brownies on it. They need to dry out, so go for a run. Keeps the bod tight, and helps make sure that you survive the impending zombie apocalypse. Since, you know, that whole pretending to be zombie Bill Murray idea is already taken.
  7. Call friend with benefit Matthew McConaughigh. He gets so mad when you make brownies without him.
  8. Once the dough has dried out ... wait, what are we making?
  9. Search for a brown paper bag of homemade kale chips.
* Yeah, I read plays. You can’t beat Tom Stoppard.
Look at this amazing picnic site! We were the only ones on the Silver Falls trail all day long....Wow!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Dreams Coming True!

This is for those of you who have expressed interest in improving your health. Recently I was made Associate Editor of the Health Freedom News, the National Health Federation's excellent magazine. What a dream come true for me- to be able to write more and to work on bringing a high quality magazine to our members as well as sharing it with our Adytum guests. If you're not a member yet of NHF ( it's only $36 and you will be getting all the high-powered authors' work- completely cutting-edge material every quarter. We have a very sophisticated international readership -20,000 strong all over the World. What a great privilege for me to work on this global project!! 

Board Member Dan Kenner & President Scott Tips, National Health Federation

Yesterday I had the great pleasure of lining up several of  the Winter issue's writers. I'm fascinated by electronic medicine - electronic acupuncture, frequency specific microcurrent, the Rife machine, as well as exploring our need for magnetic supplementation since the Earth's field is at .5 Gauss and we used to be at 10!

The Star of the North Suite has one of Dr. Bonlie's special magnetic pads under the Tempurpedic mattress, and those of you that have enjoyed supplementing your magnetic field  with his invention never fail to comment on how well you slept and that you needed less sleep. Dr. Bonlie will be one of the contributors to the Winter issue of HFN- meantime you can read more at We wouldn't be without this form of supplementation. Let me know if you're interested in getting one for your bed as we have special deals for Adytum guests.

The Star of the North Has a Magnetico Sleeping Pad Under the Tempurpedic Mattress
Look for some amazing articles to appear in HFN. Meantime, my article on 'Solving Dry Eye Naturally' appears in the Spring issue along with a book review on a fantastic book on Vitamin D. I'll share the latter with you after it appears in HFN. The same article will run in Whole Foods Magazine's Winter issue, so I will post it on the Adytum blog once it runs there.

Dr. Carroll, Macular Degeneration Reseearcher

Donn and I will soon co-author an article on the results of his clinical trial in Morton, Washington sponsored by using a proprietary blend of red wine extract to positively impact the potentially blinding disease, Macular Degeneration. This is the first study of its kind ever- and you will read about it in Health Freedom News before the general population is even aware the study took place.

I'd love to hear what you'd most like to see in print! There are so many fascinating topics to explore as we seek to raise the level of health, increase our vibration and bring more to our experience in this World. I've recently had the great pleasure of meeting a woman who has noticed the same experience we have noticed: eating mostly raw food has raised our spiritual vibration dramatically. She e-mails me a podcast this morning that I'll share with you here on this topic

Silica is a conductor and its conjectured that this may be one of the mechanisms by which we are experiencing a heightened connection with our Creator. I love that she has taken time to share more as we explore raw food, and I know some of you will really enjoy sharing it with us! There are some good videos on Kirilian/Aura Photography about the energy field around raw food:

I hope you enjoy reading about this amazing structured water, Ionized Alkaline Water that has so many benefits over 'regular' spring or pure water. Adytum has one of the best sources for these units, so let me know if you want one for your home or business. You can email me at  Using this water is just another way of raising your vibration, improving your health and creating safe and healthy alternatives in your environment. Combined with eating more raw, organic food you will be creating an entirely different experience for yourself and what you bring to others during your time on this Earth.


By Katherine A. Carroll, NTP

Healing Waters: The Powerful Health Benefits of Ionized Water By Ben Johnson, M.D., D.O., N.M.D. (ISBN 978-0-7570-0328-8; Square One Publishers, 2011;; paperback, 124 pages; $15.95)

 “All water is not created equal and it is the structure of water within our bodies that ultimately determines health or sickness.” Dr. Mushik Jhon, Korean scientist and expert on ionized water.

               Healing Waters is an inspiring book on strategies to achieve optimum health using alkaline, ionized water. Packed with scientific studies from around the World, it claims that ionized, alkaline water will restore the basic foundations of health.  Many of us have read Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj’s book on the healing power of water for common ailments, diseases, obesity – even cancer was influenced. Batmanghelidj researched while in an Iranian prison on political prisoner charges, overstaying his sentence because his research was so compelling.
               Dr. Johnson shows how simple chronic dehydration combined with acidosis, having a system that is acidic versus alkaline, is the source of numerous health problems. Dr. Kancho Kinanaka, pioneer in ionized water treatment asserts, “People with high blood pressure also suffer from acidosis “virtually without exception.”
               We are approximately 65% water in composition. Many of our bodily processes are pH dependent so it proves a wise strategy to meet these basic needs for proper hydration and a proper acid-alkaline pH balance.
               Structurally alkalinized, ionized water is the same as the water from mineral-rich glaciers; the same water reputed to keep the Hunzas free of disease and extending longevity. It is known as “living water” because it is compatible with our bodily fluids. Its smaller cluster size and hexagonal structure enable it to travel quickly through our bodies to reach cells and tissues for rapid assimilation. It not only hydrates, but it alkalizes and oxygenates the body fostering optimum health.
               In addition to water, oxygenation is a crucial foundation of health. Since cancer- and disease-causing microorganisms thrive in low-oxygen, acidic environments, focusing upon the body’s two most abundant substances- water and oxygen, is indeed intelligent strategizing to create true health. The beauty of this living water is that it can be made at home with a specific ionizing unit for which Dr. Johnson provides numerous resource references.
               Combined with a healthy, alkaline-based diet, we have a strong framework to create vibrant health and increase energy. The author delves briefly into proper food combining, thus reducing the fermentation that adds to the body’s acidic load.
               A fascinating aspect of this book reveals that ionized, alkaline water has an oxidation reduction potential, also known as redox potential or ORP, which is better than many common antioxidants. First he compares it with tap water that is oxidizing with an ORP reading of +400mV to +500mV and mineral water which is slightly better with a +200mV reading, yet is also oxidizing. However, alkaline, ionized water reads -250mV to -350mV so it’s plentiful in the extra electrons it needs to donate to stop free radical activity. Understanding living water’s ORP readings creates an exciting strategic approach to elevate immune function. Alkaline, ionized water has better antioxidant capacity than Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta-carotene, which are nearly nine times heavier than alkaline ionized water.

               By keeping the body more alkaline, the blood pH supports increased oxygenation and even prevents Alzheimer’s disease by insuring that the brain’s required need for 20% of the body’s daily supply of oxygen is met. The heart requires more than all other muscles, so heart disease is prevented too.
               The acid water that is dispensed out of the water-ionizing unit mentioned in the book has had its use in homes as well as hospitals for disinfecting and killing bacteria associated with ten of the most-common hospital infections – even MRSA. “Most of these infectious agents were completely deactivated within 30 seconds of being inoculated with the (acid) water; the others were killed in 5 minutes.” This was from a 2004 Russian study.
Acid water maintains beautiful skin and hair, is anti-aging, and combats eczema, psoriasis, shingles and other skin problems. It improves the body’s ability to grow healthy skin in diabetics with ulcers, heals bedsores and aids in wound healing. Additionally, it is antibacterial for teeth and gums.
Even houseplants love it and it’s great to clean fresh produce and rinse sprouts with.
By coalescing foundational tactics using alkaline, ionized water combined with a balanced diet and proper food combining, Dr. Johnson writes a compelling case for investing in health through the inclusion of living water in our daily life.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter at Adytum Sanctuary ~ Soli Deo Gloria

Don Hatfield, America's Foremost Modern Impressionist: Rachel in the Vineyard

Don Hatfield’s painting, Rachel in the Vineyard, arrived from the framer and finding a place for it meant shifting several other pieces of art into new places. My decorating mentor, Alexandra Stoddard teaches us to move our artwork so that we see it with fresh eyes. From my desk, which is really the bar in the kitchen and my desk chair a bar-stool, I am gaining a fresh appreciation for the original Rembrandt we bought in Maui a few years ago.
Rembrandt's 'Descent From the Cross" 1633 Original in the Adytum Kitchen
The unplanned purchase of Rembrandt’s Descent From the Cross was accompanied by one of the best glasses of Pinot Noir I've ever Presidio Winery in Santa Barbara: . 

Anniversary Bouquet at LaHaina Galleries (

We had just bought Yankel Ginzburg’s Anniversary Bouquet  for my birthday and wandered into the gallery next door as we made our way to a restaurant ( of Rembrandt’s works are very small, and as soon as I saw this larger work on an easel I knew we weren’t leaving anytime soon. Donn had been collecting "Three Crosses" reproductions and several were framed in his day-trading office.
Rembrandt's "The Three Crosses"

To find a large original…well, I knew that we were about to acquire our first original Rembrandt regardless that we just spent our art budget for the next year....

Some things are worth going out on a limb for (Why not go out on a limb, that's where all the fruit is...Will Rogers) 
Rembrandt in the assertive confidence of youth, still the piercing gaze...

Many of you who have been to Adytum and seen our growing  art collection know this story- 
how Rembrandt sketched himself into Descent From the Cross. He made sure the original scene was replaced with Dutchmen - see the dress? as if to say, “The Jews didn’t put Jesus on the cross- we ALL did, the common, modern man.” 

The Church found his piercing outward gaze sacrilegious and made him redo it with downcast eyes. Rembrandt, as you know, did more self-portraits than any artist, always with eyes boring into us as if to say, “So…what do YOU see then in My face? If you look hard you will find it in yourself too.”  His nearly 100 self-portraits seemed an intentional autobiographical lifelong exploration of his many selves.

It’s really quite a miracle that we obtained this work of his. You see, he had one of the hardest lives of anyone I know of, except perhaps artist Don Hatfield who recently lost his Napa home of 15 years to foreclosure, went bankrupt, lost his wife to cancer and then lost his only daughter to murder by her own husband a month after his wife died…now Don at 64 raises his daughter’s three small children- baby to age 5….You can read his story and donate at or Can you imagine going through even ONE of these hard things?

When I ordered, Rachel in the Vineyard as a giclee
(Giclée ( /ʒiːˈkleɪ/ zhee-klay or /dʒiːˈkleɪ/), is a neologism coined in 1991 by printmaker Jack Duganne for fine art digital prints made on ink-jet printers. The name originally applied to fine art prints created on IRIS printers in a process invented in the late 1980s but has since come to mean any high quality ink-jet print and is often used by artists, galleries, and print shops to denote such prints)

 from Don this month to donate toward, (and you can too!)  I asked at the end of our conversation permission to share his whole story, “Blog on Kat” was his reply.

During this call Don’s depth of emotion was profound- his honesty about his grief after all he’s been through, I am feeling overcome as he speaks of his reality but he ministers to ME on this call and tells me that “his grief turns to celebration before His Lord and His God…that there is no death any longer for those in Christ. That the moment we accept Christ into our lives as our Savior, we pass into eternity – being eternal-  whether in the body or not”.  He tells me he communes in spirit with his beloved Janey and Rachel, before the throne of God and will join them when his work is done here on earth.
Blaise Pascal..."Pascal's Wager"

 For those that don’t share this belief, I would simply invite you to take Pascal’s wager. Have you heard of it?

Referencing Wikipedia I quote, “Pascal’s Wager (also known as Pascal’s Gambit) is a suggestion posed by the seventeenth-century French philosopher, mathematician, and physicist Blaise Pascal that, since the existence of God cannot be proved or disproved through reason, and there is much to be gained from wagering that God exists and little to be gained from wagering that God doesn’t exist, a rational person should simply wager that God exists and live accordingly.
Following his argument establishing the Wager, Pascal addressed the fact that many rational people (in spite of being able to reason advantages) will have difficulty genuinely believing in God. He thus prescribed one to live "as though he had faith" and postulated that (like Tolstoy in his autobiographical "A Confession") this might help to subvert their contrary passions and lead to more genuine belief.
Historically, Pascal's Wager was groundbreaking because it charted new territory in probability theory, marked the first formal use of decision theory, and anticipated future philosophies such as existentialism, pragmatism, and voluntarism.
Pascal formulated his suggestion within a Christian framework, and set it out in 'note 233' of his Pensées, a posthumously published collection of notes made in his last years forming a treatise on Christian apologetics.”

Rembrandt had it hard too, and like Don Hatfield, created even more beauty the more he went through. Robert Housden writes in How Rembrandt Reveals Your Beautiful Imperfect Self, ( “He knew great success and spectacular failure. He went from being the talk of the town to bankruptcy; he lost his house and had to watch all his belongings being bundled off to the auction room. Over the course of time, he witnessed the death of all but one of his five children, as well as the death of the two loves of his life, one from the plague and the other from tuberculosis. All the while, he labored in his studio, creating some of the most remarkable works of art the World had ever seen. All the while he was sustained by a faith that was profoundly Christian and yet uniquely his own, a faith whose source came from within and was bound by no external dogma or creed.” Rembrandt and Don Hatfield both remind us how much we can endure and not only survive but create and thrive. We are powerful beyond belief….

Simon Schama in The Power of Art, Rembrandt’s Eyes among many other books and DVDs he’s done tells these stories so well.  I love listening to his voice….he’s passionate and it takes me there…Rembrandt’s wife, Saskia,  died young and he remarried to his housekeeper. When she, too died, he was so poor he had to dig up Saskia’s bones to put his latest wife in the grave. Meantime his great art was being rejected, he remained unpaid and this great etching done in 1633, Descent From the Cross, was given unstricken, to his neighbor as payment for floating him along in his financial ruin another month. Normally an artist would strike the plate through with a solid line, much like we cut our credit cards up so they cannot be reused. This survived intact because there was a deal made…

It is a miracle for our time that this surfaced in an art house in the 70’s, an original plate from Rembrandt dated 1633. 100 pressings were made and we now share it with you in – of all places- the Adytum kitchen and I enjoy it anew as it is now located directly opposite my computer where I spend so much of my time. When I glance up from work, I am grounded in Reality. I am a spiritual being having a physical experience because of this Reality.

Easter last year was spent  with family, our beautiful daughter-in-law making her first family meal for us all and we’d attended a fantastic church service earlier with them. The year before that, Donn and I saw one of those horrific reenactments complete with pounding of nails and much blood… seeing a crucifixion – it was just too much for sensitive me…It was so deeply disturbing that instead of driving me into my inner sanctuary to contemplate the death of Christ on the cross for me, it drove me out the door. We ended up at Powell’s bookstore in Portland where we sat cross-legged in the aisles for hours on end looking at the artist’s depictions of Christ on the cross in many old, used art books- gentler without the harsh reality that He endured... Arriving back at Adytum, we played Beethoven’s 9th- Ode to Joy and ended Easter on a very high note listening to inspired music turned up quite loud in the fabulous acoustics of the Tower Room, and contemplated The Descent From the Cross. It was one of the best Easter’s ever…very deep and meaningful- after we escaped the horror of the Easter play anyway.
Lovely Guests of Adytum Sanctuary, Each One Such a Beautiful Person....

This Easter weekend we have guests at Adytum so our routines are creative – we will be in Muir’s Cathedral of the Woods, “sharing the sky with the mountains and trees, gaining something of their strength and peace”. 

We will hike to the cross on the other end of Birley Mountain- Adytum is on one end and the huge white cross on the other – along the way are the “Stations of the Cross” which from scripture explain the various scenes that took place on that eventful day that now divides history.

DeGoede's Church for the Hispanic Workers (and we enjoyed it too...)

I’ve never been Catholic but I have to say I appreciated the simple way that the major points of faith were addressed both in the church the DeGoede Family built for their workers and also in the pictures of Christ’s journey to the cross and His resurrection from the dead which are contained in the shrines as we ascended the steep hill to the viewpoint where the cross resides.

 It was, after living here five years, a first for us and to be honest, it really ‘made’ Easter like no sermon ever did. Simple and pure. Just the facts and no hidden agendas.
I love the Spanish and English....Even the Shrine Aspect Works in this Setting...So  appropriate
We will enjoy the presence of God, actively cultivating our awareness of his pervasive presence here in this sanctuary dedicated to Him: Soli Deo Gloria” (Glory to God which is our “matrix) is our motto and it is on the sign at the entry gates to Adytum.

 We will, again, contemplate fine inspired art – Rembrandt’s in particular and listen to Beethoven’s 9th and sing along, “Joyful, joyful we adore Thee!”, arms raised in adoration and worship to the God that loves us so much He gave his only son….Don Hatfield can relate having lost his only daughter; excruciating is an understatement…. how much love it takes to be actively willing to do this great thing. My heart expands when I write this….and my favorite Psalm comes to mind: 139- this part in particular…

Psalm 139: 13 –
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand—
when I awake, I am still with you.